Санскритские источники
Acvalayana Grhyasutram. With Sanskrit Comment, of Narayana. English Translation, Introduction and Index by Narendra Nath Sharma. Delhi, 1976.
Aitareyaranyaka with Moksapradavrtti of Sadgurusisya. Ed. by K. Raghavan Pillai.
Kerala, 1968.
Aitareya Aranyaka with Comment, of Sayanacarya. Ed. by Baba S. Phadake.
Poona, 1898.
Aitareya Brahmana with the Vrtti of Sadgurucisya. Vol. I—III. Trivandrum, 19421955.
Aufrecht Th. Die Hymnen des Rigveda. T. 1-2. Wiesbaden, 1968.
The Srauta Sutra of Apastamba belonging to the Taittiriya Samhita with the Comment. ofRudradatta. Ed. by R. Garbe. Vol. 1-3. Calcutta, 1882-1902.
Gautamapranltadharmasutrani Haradattakrtamitaksaravrttisahitani. Poona, 1966.
Grhya-sutra by Paraskar with the Commentaries of Karka Upadhyaya etc. Ed by
Deva Gangadhar Bakre. Bombay, 1917.
Katyayana Srauta Sutra. Transl. by H.G. Ranade. Poona, 1978 (имеется текст первых пятнадцати книг).
Kausltaki-Brahmana. Hrsg. von E.R. Sreekrishna Sarma. Wiesbaden, 1968.
Manu-smrti with the 'Manubhasya' of Medhatithi. Ed. by G. Jha. Calcutta, 1932.
The Samhita of the Black Yajur Veda, with the Comment, of Madhava Acharya.
Ed. by E. Roer, R.N. Vidyaratna etc. Vol. 1-6. Calcutta, 1854-1899.
The Satapathabrahmana according to the Madhyandina Recension with the Comment, of Sayanacarya and Harisvamin, vol. I—V. Delhi, 1990.
The Satapatha Brahmana in the Kanvlya Recension. Ed. for the first time by
Dr. W. Caland and revised by Dr. Raghu Vira. Delhi, 1983.
Taittinyabrahmanam with the Commentary of Sayanacarya. Vol. 1—3. Poona, 1898.
Ten Principal Upanishads with Sankarabhasya. Delhi, 1978.
Upanisat-sarhgrahah containing 188 Upaniasds. Ed. by J.L. Shastri. Delhi, 1970.
Vajasaneyi-Sanhita. Ed. by A. Weber. B.-L., 1852.
Vasisthadharmasutra with the Comment, of Krsnapandita. Benares, 1875.
Yajnavalkya Smrti with the Comment, of Mitra Misra and Vijnanesvara. Ed. by
N.S. Khiste and J.S. Hosinga. Benares, 1929.